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What is hyperopia?

A pair of glasses sits on top of a newspaper.

Farsightedness is most pronounced when performing near activities, though it can affect distance as well as near vision.

Hyperopia, or farsightedness as it is commonly termed, is a vision condition in which distant objects are usually seen clearly, but close ones are not brought into proper focus.  If the level of hyperopia is a significant amount, it can also affect distance vision.  At Vista Eye Care in Thornton, Colorado, our eye doctors recommend that children have their eye exams at 6 months of age to ensure that if hyperopia is present, it can be properly managed.


Why does hyperopia occur?

If the length of the eyeball is too short, or if the cornea has too little curvature, near objects cannot be brought into sharp focus.  Hereditary factors often control the growth and development of the eye.


How common is hyperopia?

Many people have some degree of hyperopia.  The condition is only a problem if it significantly affects a patient’s ability to see.  It is estimated that over half the people who wear glasses are wearing them because of a focusing problem due to farsightedness or presbyopia, a natural decrease in focusing ability at near distance.


How is hyperopia diagnosed?

Hyperopia can be effectively diagnosed at Vista Eye Care’s affordable annual comprehensive eye and vision examination. Common vision screenings, often done in schools, are generally ineffective in detecting farsighted people.  This is because these individuals can identify the letters on an eye chart with little difficulty, though the eyes may have to severely strain to do so.


How does hyperopia affect vision?

If a patient is farsighted, they involuntarily exert extra effort to maintain clear distance vision and even greater effort to see clearly at close range.  This extra effort can cause fatigue, tension, and discomfort.  If the crystalline lens of the eye cannot bring the object being viewed into focus, blurred vision occurs.


How is hyperopia treated?

In mild cases, your eyes may be able to compensate adequately without the need for corrective lenses.  Our optometrists, Dr. Abert and Dr. Pedroza, may recommend glasses or contact lenses for those with significant hyperopia.  Usually far-sighted patients will prefer to wear their vision correction full time to maximize their clarity and comfort.


How will hyperopia affect my lifestyle?

Most patients adapt well to wearing glasses or contact lenses.  After the initial adaption to corrective eyewear, hyperopia will probably not significantly affect your lifestyle.


Please call our office today at (303) 450-2020 to schedule a comprehensive eye and vision exam for you and your children or use the button below to schedule online:

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Vista Eye Care

13695 Colorado Blvd. Thornton, CO 80602
Phone: (303) 450-2020
Fax: (303) 920-1440

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