Eye allergies are a common affliction for Coloradans. Itchy, red, watery eyes can be a distraction and can lead to more serious eye conditions. There are many prescription-strength medications we can prescribe to help you with your allergies. (Learn More)
If an eye is incapable of forming a clear image, vision may never develop properly. Amblyopia, or “lazy eye” can be the result, and unless a treatment plan is initialized at an early age, vision may never be capable of reaching 20/20. (Learn More)
Both near and distance vision can be affected by astigmatism. Correction can be easily achieved with glasses, contact lenses, or laser eye surgery. Astigmatism affects all ages and is one of the more common causes of blurred vision. (Learn More)
Blepharitis is a chronic condition that involves lid inflammation or infection. This condition can lead to discomfort, dry eye, and blurred vision. It is best to address blepharitis when it is in its mildest stages as it can impair vision and lead to serious eye infections. (Learn More)
Cataracts are caused by sunlight, nutritional deficits, use of certain medications, or disease. Cataracts can cause blurred vision and glare when driving at night and can be prevented with careful education, or treated with surgery. We offer a full range of cataract services. (Learn More)
Lots of our patients use computers these days, and the prevalence of Computer Vision Syndrome is on the rise. Symptoms including tired, dry eyes are usually quite treatable. Our doctors will work with you to identify and remedy your symptoms. (Learn More)
We recommend yearly dilated eye exams for all diabetic patients. Diabetic retinopathy may have no symptoms, though if left untreated, blindness may result. It is crucial to monitor diabetic eyes each year to look for any signs of early disease. (Learn More)
Many people in Colorado suffer from dry eyes because of Colorado’s dry air. Our doctors will determine the specific cause of your dry eyes, and create a customized treatment plan. We offer a full dry eye clinic to restore your eye health! (Learn More)
Before you can appreciate how different eye diseases affect eye health and vision, it is nice to have a good baseline appreciation of the anatomy of the human eye. This article reviews the different parts of the eye, and shows how different diseases can affect them. (Learn More)
Children may have significant farsightedness and still read a letter chart at a school screening. All children should be seen for a comprehensive examination at 6-12 months of age, and before they start school. Farsightedness affects reading more than distance vision. (Learn More)
Glaucoma is a progressive eye disease that causes peripheral vision blindness. Regular eye exams and early detection are the keys to not allowing glaucoma to affect your vision. We offer a full range of glaucoma management including diagnosis and treatment. (Learn More)
Keratoconus is a corneal disease that distorts a patient’s vision. This is an inherited disease for which there is currently no cure. It is often possible to achieve excellent vision with specialty contact lenses. (Learn More)
Macular degeneration affects a patient’s central vision, though with proper eye care, it can largely be prevented. Patients susceptible to this disease can often benefit from dietary supplementation. We recommend yearly testing to be sure you are not at risk. (Learn More)
Meibomitis is a chronic inflammatory condition of the lids that can lower the quality of the eye’s tear layer and lead to dry eye. This condition should be addressed early to prevent other, more serious, eye issues. (Learn More)
Nearsightedness affects a patient’s ability to see distant objects. We correct nearsightedness with glasses, contact lenses, and laser eye surgery. Nearsightedness is the most common cause of distance vision blur. (Learn More)
Your eye health is related to your ocular nutrition. There are some eye diseases that are caused by nutritional deficits, and other diseases that can be prevented by getting enough of certain nutrients in your diet. You are what you eat! (Learn More)
Pink eye refers to a variety of eye diseases including eye infections, eye injury, ocular allergies, or a foreign body in the eye. It is crucial to identify the specific cause of the pink eye in order to properly, and efficiently, treat it. (Learn More)
A common cause of flashes of light and floaters in the vision, a posterior vitreous detachment could be benign, or could be the start of a serious retinal condition such as a retinal tear or retinal detachment. It is important to be seen for this condition right away. (Learn More)
Natural changes to the internal components of the eye leave many patients with trouble reading up-close. There are many options for management including progressive addition lenses and contact lenses. (Learn More)
A stye is an internal infection of the oil glands of the eyelids. Styes themselves can be painful and distort vision. It is important to treat them early so that the infection doesn’t spread, and so that the stye itself doesn’t leave scar tissue in the lid. (Learn More)
Vista Eye Care prides itself on thorough eye exams. We recommend that our patients have their retinal health checked regularly to rule out early disease. Many retinal diseases don’t have symptoms in their earliest stages, so early diagnosis is key. (Learn More)