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Q & A!

Q & A!

Q & A! “I have red, itchy eyes all through the Spring and Fall. I take an anti-allergy pill, but it doesn’t seem to make much of a difference with my eye symptoms. Do your eye doctors have any recommendations to help me get some relief?” – Pam via email That is a...
Blue Light

Blue Light

Blue Light Our eye care philosophy here at Vista Eye Care is centered around the idea that prevention is the best means to assure a lifetime of healthy eyes and great vision. Blue light, the higher-energy portion of the visible spectrum, can seriously affect your eye...


Blepharitis What is blepharitis? Blepharitis is an inflammatory disease of the eyelids characterized by dandruff-like scales on the eyelashes which can result in red, itchy, dry, crusted, and irritated eyelids. In its earliest stages, blepharitis may not have any...
Macular Pigmentation

Macular Pigmentation

Macular Pigmentation Macular degeneration is an eye disease that destroys central vision, and is the leading cause of severe vision loss in adults over age 55. It currently affects approximately 15 million people. Due to the aging Baby Boomer population, the incidence...
Q & A!

Q & A!

Q & A! “I was diagnosed with keratoconus and now I need to wear medically-necessary contact lenses. What does that mean?” – Ron via email Hi Ron, medically necessary contact lens fittings are performed on those patients that need to wear contact lenses in order...
Preventative Care

Preventative Care

Preventative Care Dr. Brian Abert, O.D. FAAO recently visited the Park Regency Thornton Assisted Living Center in Thornton, Colorado. He was asked to speak to the residents there about the importance of eye care, and ways that preventative eye care can preserve...